Oct 2, 2024

Using v0.dev To Generate The Frontend Of A Simple To-Do App

Using v0.dev To Generate The Frontend Of A Simple To-Do App

A simple To-Do application built with Next.js, Golang & PostgreSQL. A small & fun project to get started with GO and learn its ins and outs. This is the frontend only.

  • Jorge Perez Avatar
    Jorge Perez
    6 min read
  • Introduction

    Hey everyone!

    After building the backend of my to-do app with Go (if you missed it, you can catch up here), It's time to bring the frontend to life.

    I wanted to try something new, so I used Vercel's v0.dev/chat to generate the initial design. It turned out to be a pretty smooth experience (which is never the case for me 😂), So I want to share how it all came together.

    Quick Recap

    Just to recap, I previously built a simple RESTful API using Go, Gin, and GORM, connected to a PostgreSQL database. I deployed it on Fly.io, and it's ready to serve data to our frontend.

    Now, I wanted to build a modern frontend using Next.js 14 with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS, utilizing the new Next.js App Router. Let's dive into how I did it.

    Generating the Frontend Design with v0.dev

    v0.dev UI Generator

    Generate UI with shadcn/ui from simple text prompts and images.

    I came across v0.dev, an AI tool from Vercel that helps generate UI code. And this one is particularly intersting becuase this app Generates UI's with shadcn/ui.

    I thought it might save me some time and give me a fresh perspective, so I gave it a shot.

    v0.dev Prompt & Generation

    This was my actual prompt:

    "Design a to-do app main page with a header at the top, an input bar, and a to-do list under that. make it sleek, minimalist and beautiful"

    The result? A pretty decent starting point:


    v0.dev generated the initial code for me, which was a great starting point, but obviously I needed to make some adjustments to fit my needs:

    • Updated the styling to match my preferences.
    • Ensured the components were using TypeScript properly.
    • Adjusted the layout for responsiveness and accessibility.

    Building the Frontend

    1. Setting Up the Next.js Project

    I created a new Next.js project with TypeScript support, inside the a "frontend" folder:

    npx create-next-app@latest go-frontend --typescript
    cd go-frontend

    Creating the Components

    1. AddTodo Component

    This component lets users add new tasks.

    // components/AddTodo.tsx
    'use client';
    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    interface AddTodoProps {
      onAdd: (title: string) => void;
    const AddTodo: React.FC<AddTodoProps> = ({ onAdd }) => {
      const [title, setTitle] = useState('');
      const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
        if (title.trim()) {
      return (
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="flex my-4">
            placeholder="Add a new task"
            onChange={(e)=> setTitle(e.target.value)}
            className="flex-grow p-2 border rounded-l"
          <button type="submit" className="p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded-r">
    export default AddTodo;
    1. TodoItem Component

    Displays each task with options to edit, complete, or delete.

    // components/TodoItem.tsx
    'use client';
    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    interface TodoItemProps {
      id: number;
      title: string;
      completed: boolean;
      onToggle: (id: number) => void;
      onDelete: (id: number) => void;
      onEdit: (id: number, title: string) => void;
    const TodoItem: React.FC<TodoItemProps> = ({
    }) => {
      const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false);
      const [newTitle, setNewTitle] = useState(title);
      const handleEdit = () => {
        if (isEditing && newTitle.trim() !== title) {
          onEdit(id, newTitle);
      return (
        <li className="flex items-center justify-between py-2">
          <div className="flex items-center">
              onChange={()=> onToggle(id)}
            {isEditing ? (
                onChange={(e)=> setNewTitle(e.target.value)}
                className="border px-2 py-1"
            ) : (
              <span className={completed ? 'line-through text-gray-500' : ''}>
            <button onClick={handleEdit} className="text-blue-500 hover:underline mr-2">
              {isEditing ? 'Save' : 'Edit'}
            <button onClick={()=> onDelete(id)} className="text-red-500 hover:underline">
    export default TodoItem;
    1. TodoList Component

    Brings everything together.

    // components/TodoList.tsx
    'use client';
    import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
    import AddTodo from './AddTodo';
    import TodoItem from './TodoItem';
    interface Todo {
      id: number;
      title: string;
      completed: boolean;
    const TodoList: React.FC = () => {
      const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([]);
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
      const [showCompleted, setShowCompleted] = useState(true);
      const fetchTodos = async () => {
        try {
          const res = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL}/todos`);
          const data = await res.json();
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching todos:', error);
        } finally {
      useEffect(() => {
      }, []);
      const addTodo = async (title: string) => {
        // ...code to add todo
      const toggleTodo = async (id: number) => {
        // ...code to toggle todo
      const editTodo = async (id: number, title: string) => {
        // ...code to edit todo
      const deleteTodo = async (id: number) => {
        // ...code to delete todo
      const currentTasks = todos.filter((todo) => !todo.completed);
      const completedTasks = todos.filter((todo) => todo.completed);
      return (
          <AddTodo onAdd={addTodo} />
          {loading ? (
          ) : (
              {/* Current Tasks */}
              {currentTasks.length > 0 && (
                  <h2>Current Tasks</h2>
                    {currentTasks.map((todo) => (
              {/* Completed Tasks */}
              {completedTasks.length > 0 && (
                    Completed Tasks
                    <button onClick={()=> setShowCompleted(!showCompleted)}>
                      {showCompleted ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}
                  {showCompleted && (
                      {completedTasks.map((todo) => (
    export default TodoList;
    1. Main Page.

    Updated app/page.tsx to render the TodoList:

    // app/page.tsx
    import React from 'react';
    import TodoList from '../components/TodoList';
    const HomePage: React.FC = () => (
      <main className="container mx-auto p-4">
        <TodoList />
    export default HomePage;

    Integrating with Our Go Backend on Fly.io

    Remember our backend deployed on Fly.io? Time to make our frontend and backend BFFs.

    1. Setting the Backend URL

    In .env.local:

    1. Handling CORS on the Backend

    Our frontend needs permission to talk to the backend.

    Updated the Go backend's CORS configuration:

    import (
      // ...other imports
    func main() {
      // ...previous code
      router := gin.Default()
        AllowOrigins:     []string{"https://your-frontend.vercel.app"},
        AllowMethods:     []string{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"},
        AllowHeaders:     []string{"Origin", "Content-Type", "Accept"},
      // ...rest of the code

    Deploying the Frontend on Vercel

    • Logged into Vercel and imported the GitHub repository.
    • Set up the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL.
    • Hit deploy and watched the magic happen! ✨

    Things To Keep In Mind

    AI Generation: AI can be fun, but it can also make obvious dumb mistakes. It is helpful, but you make the final call, don't forget that.

    CORS: Cross-origin requests can be a headache. Ensure both your frontend and backend are configured correctly to communicate.

    And there you have it! We now have a fully functional to-do app with a Go backend and a Next.js frontend, all tied together with some AI-designed flair. Not too shabby, huh?

    Final Thoughts


    This project was a blast. Combining Go, Next.js, and AI design tools opened up new horizons for me. If you're considering a similar project, go for it! And don't be afraid to let AI lend a hand—it might just surprise you.

    Feel free to check out the repositories:

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